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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  September 11, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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there's a lovely view of this morning -- clear skies, beautiful day. this is tuesday, september 1th. 2012. good morning everybody i'm tony perkins. >> and i'm allison seymour. we're happy you're with us on this tuesday morning. >> also happy to have tucker barnes back from a well deserved vacation. good morning. >> nice and cool overnight and temperatures across much of the area right now back in the 40s. yeah, the 40s. some of the coolest temperatures since may and not your imagination if you say oh that's refreshing. 57 now in washington. check it out lots of 40s there. 46 in manassas. 45 this morning in gaithersburg. and in frederick. 44 martinsburg. in some spots chilly enough you might want a light jacket or long sleeved shirt here particularly for the kids at the bus stop for a couple of minutes. all right lots of sunshine in the live shot and lots of sunshine expected on your tuesday. should be another close
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tippiest day. with high temperatures -- to perfect day. with high temperatures topping out in the low 70s and low humidity and just a few passing clouds from time to time. honestly here the weather pattern nice and dry for most of the woke here. even the end of the week temperatures and sunshine should be abundant. there's the forecast, high upper 70s and nice and dry and edgy the beautiful -- enjoy the beautiful tuesday afternoon. that's a quick look at weather, now if traffic is running smoothly with julie wright. julie? [ no audio ] >> julie we'll get back to you, couldn't hear you right there. we'll join you in a moment. first though we are remembering 9/11 on this 11th anniversary of the attacks. a live look now at the memorial at ground zero of course in new york city. in the next hour the annual reading of the names ceremony will get underway in new york city but for the first time
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this year no elected officials will speak at that site. there are also memorials at the flight 93 memorial in pennsylvania and throughout the d.c. region. and the biggest event here in our area roll ceremonies at the pentagon. >> several top defense officials will speak as well as president obama. let's get the latest now from fox 5's melanie alnwick. >> reporter: the president and first lady will have a moment of silence and then travel here to the pentagon for the september 11th memorial ceremony. here's a look at how things are going to go this morning. at 9:30 president obama will lay a wreath and we'll hear the national anthem. 9:37 is the moment of silence to mark when the plane hit the pentagon. there'll be remarks by the president and defense officials and then a rendition of "america the beautiful." it left dulles airport at 8:20
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a.m. instead five hijackers took over the plane and turned it around and crashed into the pentagon at 9:37 a.m. killing all 56 passengers as well as the hijackers. it hit on the western side and one section of the building collapsed. 125 workers here that day were also killed and many of them civilians, the memorial was completed and open to the public in 2008. the seventh anniversary of the attacks. it's usually own 24/7 but today it will be closed for the morning's ceremonies and reopen to the public at noon. and tony and allison after the president takes part in the ceremonies here today, he and the first lady will then travel to the walter reed naval center in bethesda to visit with wounded warriors. including a prayer service at the washington national cathedral. back to you. >> thank you very much. and now the other scene of the attacks in pennsylvania.
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lanterns were lit to pay tribute to the 40 passengers can crew who lost their lives on flight 93. later today vice president joe biden is due to visit the memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania. officials hope to have a more complete memorial by 2014. first respondersics posed to toxic -- exposed to toxic dust will be covered by a federal health program if they develop a certain type of cancer. or types of cancer. the government announced the expansion of the health program yesterday. health officials added about 50 types of cancer to the list of illnesses covered. despite little research proving a link between the dust and cancer. tony? allison, on the eve of today's anniversary the unite confirm -- united states confirmed the death of al-qaeda and yemen's number two leader. he and six other people in the car he was traveling in died on
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monday. al-shahiri spent six years in the military prison at guantanamo bay. the two men running for president will take a rare break from the partisan back and forth today. both president obama and mitt romney agreed to take down their negative ads in honor of the 9/11 anniversary and neither will appear at any overtly political events. president obama will spend the day marking the occasion with events at the white house, the pentagon and walter reed. mr. romney will meet with members of the coast guard during a trip to reno, nevada. closer to home now a congressional candidate from maryland has dropped out of the race after facing allegations of voter fraud. democrat wendy rosen was running for the first district house seat currently held by republican andy harris, but according to the state party rosen cast ballots in two states in the 2006 general election and the 2008 presidential primaries. her name will still be on the november ballot though. state officials say it's just too late to take it off.
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new this morning, prince george's county police are investigating a shooting in district heights. it happened around 1:30 this morning along gateway boulevard near the hemingway memorial and church. there's still no word on a suspect, victim or a motive. also this morning five men convicted in a deadly mass shooting in southeast will be sentenced today. the shootings began over a dispute about a costume jewelly bracelet. the group was convicted back in may. a jury found four of them guilty of first degree murder. the fifth man was found guilty of second degree murder. a guilty verdict in the murder of a d.c. man killed while riding his bike home from work. neil goodlsky was riding in august of 2010 when he was shot. yesterday, eric foreman was convicted of felony murder. he was just shy of his 18th birthday at the time of the shooting and faces a mandatory minimum of 30 years in prison.
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in chicago, another day on the picket lines for teachers and another day scrambling for child care for parents. that's because last night the union failed to reach a deal to end the bitter contract dispute. >> what do we want? >> fair contracts. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> 26,000 strong, teachers and support staff on strike. forcing the nation's third largest school district to close its doors. and 400,000 school kids are not in class. warehoused and recreations centers and churches as some school cafeterias remain open a half day to serve breakfast and lunch. >> this is in my view a strike of choice. and it's the wrong choice for our children. it's not necessary. >> chicago teachers already the highest paid in any major city averaging $76,000 a year have been offered a 16% pay hike
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over four years. but other obstacles remain including a new teacher evaluation system. the union and its supporters don't like. >> i manuel you need to come up with a better plan and work with the ctu. we're going to continue to keep our children out of school until you come up with a better plan and get these teachers what they rightfully deserve. >> there's been tension with the mayor and teachers for some time. the campaign promise to add an hour tohe school day is popular with parents but teachers say it was done without their input which undermined their trust. >> it was like a slap in the face. i think people really felt -- actually energized i think and galvanized teachers to be more united. >> both sides in the labor dispute are allies of president obama. today the white house had no specific reaction from the president but called for quick resolution. >> his principle concern is for the students and families. who are affected by the situation and we hope that both sides come together to settle
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this quickly and in the best interest of chicago's students. >> republican nominee mitt romney weighed in on the strike. in a statement saying quote i am disappointed by the decision of the chicago teachers' union to turn its back not only on a city negotiating in good faith and hundreds of thousands of children. how safe are we from another terror attack? >> still ahead at 7:00 national security correspond jj green joins us live with the ways we could be still vulnerable. >> how much money maryland is losing for not enforcing toll booth violations. >> and bracing for leslie. we're going to show you where the latest tropical storm could make landfall today. >> first we're going to check in with tucker and julie for another check on traffic and weather. we'll have all of that and more when we return. it's right now 7:09.
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ce. now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich. grab yours at dunkin' donuts.
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at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500. but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. come in today or visit online at i'm drinking dunkin'. i'm just in love with the flavor. i get mine black. i don't want to take away from that pure taste. so smooth, no bitterness. it's awesome. there's no other taste like it. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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parts of new finland's coast are bracing for leslie to make landfall. the tropical storm will likely hit in the next few hours and could dump heavy rain for as long as 12 hours. the canadian hurricane center says that could lead to massive flooding and power outages. the storm is growing stronger as it nears the coast but will probably not reach hurricane status. yeah definitely one at this point but it's racing north at about 40 miles per hour. >> wow. that's pretty fast. >> once they get kind of the northern latitudes they just take off and that will be part of the problem. that and the 70-mile-per-hour winds. >> they don't deal with that a lot although it's that region that typically deals with it if they do. >> right. around here gorgeous. >> yes it is but it's kind of weird how cold it is tucker i must be honest with you. >> oh allison. >> i'm thinking mild last year might be a hard winter this
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year. that's what i'm thinking. >> only september 11th. not going to worry about it. >> you're a meteorologist and weather guy. i'm a prognosticator. >> missensing panic with no school out there this morning. nice cool start. a little cold in spots, 45 right now in frederick. >> okay. >> all right, i got to get used to the new intro. >> it scares me. yeah i thought i did something wrong for the first hour and a half. 46 in pittsburgh right now. all right check out the cool temperatures 57 in washington but as mentioned much of our region waking up with temperatures in the 40s and overnight, the low at dulles was 49 degrees. that's our coolest temperature since may the 19th. so -- you know month to month since we've seen temperatures this cool. 5 # right now in richmond. the satellite and radar that's what you call a very quiet map. nothing really to feature here. we have a few clouds in the forecast today. but high pressure really in charge of the eastern half of the country and nice and quiet here for the next couch days --
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couple of days, not only today but the middling and end of the week -- middle and end of the week. lit warm up into the mid 80s tomorrow and thursday and then kick off the weekend with sunshine. our next chance for any showers sunday and monday with a cold front but looks like the 90s we may be looking at those in the rear-view mirror here. >> good. >> they do look pretty good i must admit. i will get over my fears. >> don't panic yet. >> thank you tucker. >> all right, this young lady may be panicking a little bit. here's julie wright with the latest on traffic. hey julie. i told them earlier this morning i had the seat warmers on in the car on the drive into work today. [ laughter ] all right, on the roads right now, you will find that northbound i-95 the accident activity in the hov lanes has cheered in newington. unfortunately damage is bone. big delays out of woodbridge and 395 here right into the sunshine heavy slow and steady across the inbound 14th street bridge. no incidents along the stretch. a number of calls about some
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type of road work that's taking place northbound on the gw parkway near spout run. it's back again this morning and heads-up there that's northbound. southbound 270 lanes are open. no accidents just heavy volume to accompany the commute headed to the lane divide. that's a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. as we mentioned at the top of the hour today americans across the nation of course will pause for a moment to once again reflect on the tragic events that killed thousands 11 years ago today. >> fox's craig boswell joins us live from income now. he has more -- new york now. he has more on the september 11th commemoration. >> reporter: allison and tony, good morning to you. when's not lost on new yorkers as they -- what's not lost on new yorkers on this particular day is that this particular day falls on a tuesday. i don't know how much of the sky you can see behind me when we're looking at one world trade center. but it is a crystal clear sky. it's blue skies as it was on
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that day. construction continues on the tower. and there's also an agreement on the ground zero museum. 11 years ago today lives in the u.s. and around the world were forever changed. >> what came down? >> they crashed. the other trade center is down. it's down. >> reporter: coordinated attacks were carried out by extremists who hijacked commercial airliners crashing them into the twin powers and the pentagon. in shanksville, pennsylvania it crashed into a field after passengers fought to regain control of the aircraft. a museum remains under construction. it was supposed to be open this month but building plans all but ceased due to funding concerns. >> we are going to complete the museum which will give us a chance to tell the story of what really happened there. in a very moving and thoughtful way. >> reporter: some say the completed world trade center site will be a fitting tribute. >> i think the progress and the
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momentum at one world trade center and the entire world trade center site is a testimony to the region's resilience and resurgence. >> reporter: and they're hoping to have that museum open this time next year. they had hoped to have it this year but they just couldn't agree on funding and finally gotten that part of this thing going again hoping to have that open on this date a year from now. back to you guys. >> hey craig i want to comment on what you mentioned at the top of your report there because i've been noting it and kind of been afraid to say it. but i would imagine new yorkers and folks here too, do have kind of an eerie feeling this time around. because it is a tuesday and because of the weather conditions. i remember so clearly that day in new york just how clear and perfect the weather was. >> reporter: you know everyone always talks about knowing exactly where they were that moment of that day. and they always talk about that crystal blue clear skies and it's just like that here today. and people have been talking -- really started talking about this even last night when they
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looked at the forecast. and as people stream into lower manhattan they're looking up at the tower and also looking around taking in the environment and they're noting that i can hear the conversations behind me as they go by. >> all right, craig boswell in new york city, thank you sir. coming up next, a former d.c. council chairman waits a little longer to learn his fate. >> plus, how much maryland is losing on toll booth cheats. >> and later commemorating mexican independence. holly morris is live in chevy chase with how our region will mark the celebration south of the border. it is 7:19. we'll be right back. anncr: this casino's's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year.
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now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
7:21 am
syou know, i've helped a lot off people save a lot of money.. but today...( sfx: loud noise of large metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange. (sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. and those well grounded.
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for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you. welcome back. it's 7:22. today d.c. council member michael brown is expected to speak out about campaign matters. the d.c. ethics board ruled yesterday that brown can compete in the november 6th election. brown who is running as an
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independent made the ballot with 3,166 ballot signatures. the board's decision brings to an end a three week investigation looking into the integrity of brown's signature gathering effort. former d.c. council chair kwame brown will have to wait a few more months to learn his punishment. yesterday, a federal judge granted a motion to delay next week's sentencing until november. so brown can quote complete his cooperation with prosecutors. brown faces up to a year in prison after pleading guilty to bank fraud and campaign finance charges. to maryland now, millions of dollars are being lost to unpaid tolls. that's according to the "washington post." apparently thousands of vehicles are flowing through ez pass lanes without a pass device. the post reports nearly 650,000 vehicle owners owe about $6.7 million. and that's just within the past five years. the maryland transportation authority says the losses are quote very manageable. the part of the overall revenue and have not impacted its ability to maintain for bill
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toll facilities. and some staggering new numbers for virginia's biggest county. according to the washington examiner, fairfax county public schools are facing a nearly $148 million budget shortfall next year. schools will enter fiscal 2014 with more than $38 million less than the current year. the rest of the deficit includes an increase in student enrollment. higher payouts for retirements and health insurance as well as pay raises and pension costs. still ahead in our next half hour, where we are still vulnerable 11 years after the 9/11 terror attacks. w top national security correspond jj green joins us live with the details. >> and on a much lighter note the first place nats aren't above a little fun. how they hazed harper and the other rookies. >> it's a live look outside. a beautiful day. tucker barnes is here with the latest forecast and julie wright will have a look at traffic when we continue.
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right now it's 7:24. we'll be right back. i'm drinking dunkin'. i'm just in love with the flavor. i get mine black.
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i don't want to take away from that pure taste. so smooth, no bitterness. it's awesome. there's no other taste like it. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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hey, bro. or engaging. conversations help us learn and grow. at wells fargo, we believe you can never underestimate the power of a conversation. it's this exchange of ideas that helps you move ahead with confidence. so when the conversation turns to your financial goals... turn to us. if you need anything else, let me know. [ female announcer ] wells fargo. together we'll go far. back now on fox 5 morning news. take a look at this. okay, you see who that is on the ground there? one knee. that's bring harper. six other -- bryce harper, six other nats too. the rookies got a taste of big
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league hazing sunday all in good fun. the pitcher gonzalez uploaded the picture posing in leotards paying tribute to the gymnastics team. it took place as they boarded a train to head to the big apple for their series with the mets. most people look okay with it. >> yeah. well the nats got back on the winning track last night in new york. 3rd inning, ryan zimmerman hit a two run homer to put he nats up by three. gio gonzalez six innings and just one run on three hits the notch his major league leading 19th victory. the nats win 5-1 and now lead the braves by six and a half games after the braves lost to the brewers. great. great. >> looking good. >> i regret that i wasn't here yesterday to do some hooting and hollering for the skins. >> yesterday's show was pretty much a celebration. you know everyone was in such a good mood. >> right. >> it was fantastic. >> the whole team was awesome on sunday. >> how about sports in this
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region right now? >> suddenly -- all the teams are good. >> like that. >> it's very nice. >> we have the wizds coming up. >> still going to be very nice. >> some traditions shouldn't be broken. [ laughter ] >> no. oh. >> let's get you the temperatures it's been a while. >> it's been a while. it's hot. >> maybe they'll get it together. >> take it back to hayes and is that near. >> that's a long time ago. >> i was like 5. >> right. >> you know bullets' days. >> reagan national 77 yesterday. the average day tame tie this year -- high this time of year is 82. but it was a gorgeous day. 76 yesterday at dulles and bwi marshall was 75 degrees you know what? same area today. maybe a degree or two warmer than yesterday but it should be just a beautiful afternoon. and that's after -- check out how cool it is. the temperatures some of the coolest we've had since may. 57 right now in washington and 58 in annapolis. love it. 50 at dulles. temperatures here north and west, back in the 40s. and it is cool enough in spots
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that you might want to bring a long sleeved shirt or jacket here if you're running out the door at the moment because places like gaithersburg and frederick still in the mid 40s. upper70s today and should be bright sunshine in the forecast. this is what you call a very, very quiet weather pattern. high pressure kind of typical for this time of year and we start to see the areas of canadian high pressure start to work in. we'll continue to just dominate the weather here for the next several days and today and tomorrow really honestly into the end of the week we'll have lots of sunshine with a bit of a warming trend tomorrow. then high pressure off the coast a southerly breeze if the you miss -- and if you miss 80s they'll be back. in 90s in the forecast here but at least over the next coupleof very pleasant. later today pleasant as well. 79 your high today and there are the winds out of the north and east at 5. sunshine just a gorgeous afternoon. we've got just a few clouds passing through and again we'll be dry later today. overnight low 55 degrees but later tonight the winds will
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start to shift out of the south. again this is september after all. it won't be terrible. but slightly more humidity in the forecast for your wednesday and thursday with highs in the mid 80s. there's your seven day accuweather forecast. and next chance for a shower around here will be late sunday or monday with a cold front again we don't quite have the timing down on that. most of the weekend should be nice and dry for outdoor activities and football games and that kind of thing, that's a look at weather and now the traffic and latest from jute. there she is. all right tucker checking for an incident westbound 50 near the freeway airport. heads-up headed for the capital beltway. slow traffic on the outer loop leaving 95 headed around to georgia avenue and southbound 270 still on the brakes here out of rockville headed to the split. the top stretch of 270 remains below speed approaching and passing 109. also a delay in jermantown headed south to 124. lanes are open right now with no problems to report coming across the legion bridge. an incident along the right side of the road was reported.
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with no problems to report you'll have no problems. that's a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. thanks so much julie. in the 11 years since the 9/11 terror attacks is the united states a more secure nation? simple question right? maybe not. wtpo's national radio security correspondent j. j. green has some conclusions and he's going to share with us what he can this morning. good morning always good to see you. >> good morning allison. >> tell us about -- the work you've been doing. >> four years ago, estated doing a -- i started doing a series looking at the transition of national security, the national security apparatus in this country. and as we transition from one president to another and as we may be transitioning to another administration or at least another presidential term. a look at how the national security apparatus changed against the backdrop of things like 9/11. against the backdrop of the
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things like the afghan war and the iraq war. this was what we started out doing back in 2008. and in the process, we put out something like 300 plus requests for interviews and we've done over more than 125 interviews with people from the government, former officials, the military, the intelligence community. and come up with some very interesting ideas and thoughts from them about some things we knew about and some things we did not. >> what can you share with us? >> i can share with you that one thing that's very clear at this point, some of the people and the threats that were threats four years ago are gone. dead. out of the picture. but they've been replaced by other threats. for example, osama bin laden is gone and al-awlaki is gone. but the threat of international terrorism is still a problem but not so much when you start looking at domestic terrorism. the lone wolf syndrome that a lot of people are worried about. ie the colorado shootings and others that have taken place over the course of the years.
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there's also china. there's also rising powers like china. the economy is a huge part of national security now. and while a lot of people may be didn't look at it before, they're looking at inow because if you can't pay for the things that you need to defend the country, you can't have them. so therefore, national security now takes a very close look at the economy. and one ore thing that's very important at this point. -- other thing that's very important at this point. these threats developing from cyber troubles, sire problems, are going to be -- cyber problems, are going to be off the charts unless the nation and the world gets a handle on how to deal with them. >> we're just like leaps and bounds from where we were 11 years ago as far as technology. does that hurt us or help us in any way? >> it helps us as long as the mindset is correct. general keith alexander was --
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was saying some time ago. he doesn't do public interviews at least he hasn't with us. one of those people we've been asking have asked dozens of times but has never said yes and he's one of the folks that doesn't do interviews i guess. but he's said at a public forum. we're in the stage of disruption right now from cyber threats. but when we get to the stage of destruction, then that's going to be a whole new day. and we need to be better prepared. he -- general alexander is the head of the national security agency and the u.s. cyber command. so that's a very profound comment coming from him. >> we -- we hear a lot of these j. j., this attack was thwarted. they knew about this one. they knew about that one. when i hear that i'm thinking what don't we know about or should i be encouraged by what we do know about? >> yes. you should be. >> okay. >> but i will point out to you and it's very astute of you to make that point, because i was talking with the director of
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national intelligence james clapper who is one of the few people in the administration that has granted an interview with us to talk about what he thought. he said what keeps me up at night is what i don't know. we know a lot of stuff. and we can stop a lot of stuff. but the things that i don't know about is what keeps him up at night. and because of the fact that we're living in an evolving society because of technology and many other things, those things that make the list of elements that keep him up is growing. >> you had talked about some of the new threats or the threats that replaced the ones that we knew that have been killed or no longer operating. are they as dangerous as the enemy that we knew? >> well, when you look at the international terror picture, i can't say they are not definitely. but one thing that's been sort of ingrained into me in the eight years that i've been
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following this beat is guys like bin laden, guys like al- awlaki and the other people that have been taken away from the scene had deep rolodexs and many years of know how. they had a lot of experience in getting things done. the new people don't have those deep rolodexs. they don't have the contacts or the perspective and they don't have the time either to develop it. because they're being targeted and taken out with drones and other types of attacks systematically. whereas guys like bin laden and some of the other top al-qaeda people that have been killed in the last few years had decades to learn and to grow and to practice that craft but the new people. they don't have that kind of time. >> seems to me organization would be a big part of that too. with the rolodex -- i mean when you think about the colossal attack that took place in the united states 11 years ago it would seem that everything would have to just fall into place just so. so i guess the million dollar
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question is, in your opinion and you've looked at this, are we safer today than we were post-9/11? >> i knew you were going to ask that question. but it's okay. and some senses yes and in some senses no. and that's not a waffle. that's just a reality because -- >> sure. >> because it's kind of measuring apples and oranges but the simple fact of the matter is, yes, we are when it comes to certain things, certain threats that have been dealt with. certain threats that have been studied. and systems are in place. so yes. absolutely. without a doubt. al-qaeda would find it very, very, very hard to launch an attack like they did in 9/11. but there are other types of attacks that may not be as deadly but may be more -- there may be more of them. and officials have been talking about this for years. that we should expect these small little pot shot-type situations over the years. so that doesn't make us safe from those. but safer for some of the
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bigger attacks most authorities would agree on that. >> where can we hear your reports or see all that? >> and you can hear them -- you can read about it and you can hear them every morning at 35 past the hour from 5:30 in the morning until 11:30 in the morning. >> just be for informed. that's what it's all ability. if nothing else gee that day i think we're more aware. >> thanks to your questions. >> j. j. green. thanks. tony over to you. >> all right, thank you both. it's 7:39 now on this tuesday morning, still ahead honoring the lifelong local police officers now fighting for his life. but first, an overseas trip with extra special significance. we'll be right back. fox 5 morning news will continue. anncr: this casino's in west virginia.
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but t it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation, every solution, comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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making headlines now at 7:42. d.c. police hope new surveillance video will lead to the arrest of a suspect accused of shooting a rite aid worker. according to police, this man walked into the rite aid on rhode island avenue in northeast on sunday night. they say he entered the store wearing a surgical mask and
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shot the assistant manager in both legs. this is the second time an employee at this particular rite aid in northeast has been shot. the first case is closed. firefighters in central washington state and wyoming are in a fierce battle to save hundreds of homes from two of the many wildfires burning out west. strong winds and high temperatures continue to make things worse. the blaze in washington said to be the most threatening. there are also fires burning in oregon, colorado, montana, idaho, and northern california. the duke and duchess of cambridge make an emotional sit to singapore's botanic gardens but the ceremony is bittersweet. his mother, princess diana had planned to visit the garden in september of 1997 to see an orchid named for her. she died two weeks before the event. today the royal couple was honored with their own orchid. the visit is part of a nine day tour of asia marking the
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queen's diamond jubilee. all right, tucker barnes is with us this morning. more details on today's forecast. looks picture-perfect. >> pretty close to perfect. early this morning temperatures cooling back into the 40s and low 50s. >> strange. >> okay. later today, upper 70s. a debate. aren't fans of this suddenly cool weather. >> i feel like it's strange that's all. >> it's a few degrees below normal. >> yeah. >> and so much of the summer our temperatures of course well above normal. >> right. >> and it feels -- you can feel the change. >> just -- i'm just the storms on saturday lost power you know it's like -- this crazy weather cycle we're in. >> hang in there if you want the warmer temperatures back in the 80s by tomorrow and most of the week is going to feel close to perfect. >> great. >> let's do it temperatures right now reagan national. tony, i don't know what to do about that. >> i feel like we're on "law & order: svu." one of the shows. >> feels like a game show where you need to get the answer right.
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you have five seconds. >> that's right. >> 57 right now in washington and 46 in gaithersburg. >> you are the weakest link. >> 45 in frederick. these temperatures are chilly. particularly off to the north and west. 58 in annapolis this morning. all right should be a beautiful day lots of sunshine expected. the reason why? high pressure. let me mention quickly tropical storm leslie pushing into parts of canada there with maximum winds at 70 miles per hour. around here just high pressure eastern half of the country. going to be high and dry for the next several days. and that means lots of sunshine in the afternoon with warm days and cool nights. so enjoy it. this was always a nice time of year middle of september. as we transition into fall. and there you go that's a nice looking seven day forecast. next chance of any showers won't arrive until sunday afternoon or perhaps monday and there you can see the warming trend starting tomorrow back into the mid 80s. nice looking forecast. >> 1984 was a great near for me. i like -- year for me. i like '84. >> me too. >> all right, let's go to find out what's happening with traffic.
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>> it was. >> here's julie wright. >> all right on the roads right now the outer loop of the beltway as you travel south of 270 continuing past river road. accident activity reported before the american legion bridge. this one involving a car and a tree and that's tying up the right side of the road and keeping you on brakes traveling the outer loop of the beltway trying to exit out of montgomery county and head in towards fairfax. northbound 395 slow from the beltway past seminary road from the pentagon right into the bright sunshine headed for the 14th street bridge. southbound kenilworth center field accident activity reported there. 50 is slow leaving 410 out of river dale heading into new york avenue. that's a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. julie. thank you. well a big thank you this morning to a man who spent half his life fighting crime in d.c.. detective eddie vazquez started his career here. he soon earned a spot on what's
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now the capital area regional fugitive task force. in the '90s the d.c. murder rate soared. >> day after day, there was no question on what are we going to do. you were going to go to work and hunt down the bad guys. >> vazquez later helped capture some of the most know tour notorious bank robbers. thank you very much. >> we wish him the best. all right, coming up next, how mexican americans all across the region will mark a special independence celebration. >> holly is live in chevy chase. good morning holly. >> reporter: good morning to you and you know what? you don't have to be a mexican american to celebrate. everybody can celebrate mexican independence day this weekend but this morning we are learning how to throw our own
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fiesta from flower arranging to cooking up chilis and more. we are live in the kitchen of patty dennis, she has her own tv show. "patty's mexican table." but she's cooking just for us this morning. what you don't want to miss next, on fox 5 morning news. [ male announcer ] with ultra-filtered water
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from the first hands-free system, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill technology, the new ge french door refrigerator puts fresh in a whole new light. come see the new ge french door refrigerator for yourself at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500. but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. come in today or visit online at
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time for our facebook fan of the day. today we say hello to danielle johnson. she has spent the last two decades, 20 years waking up to fox 5. and she says she loves how the team works so well together. for your chance to be tomorrow's fan of the day. just log on to the facebook page and leave a comment under the lovely danielle's picture. and that little baby too. >> very cute. all right, instead of breakfast today, how about a fiesta mexicana? >> that does sound good. mexico's independence day celebration holly is teaming up
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with "patty's mexican table." she joins us now live from chevy chase and i know people are thinking but no that's not my kitchen holly. good morning. >> i want this one to be my kippen. if you're having the fiesta this is the lady you want to teach you how to do it. this is patty dennis from "patty's mexican table" and kelly jenkins and from capital decor. we're going to learn how to throw our own little fiesta this morning. a really big holiday? >> a huge holiday holly. you know the fourth of july is huge here. people think that for mexicans, cinco de mayo is the same thing but our fourth of july is september 15th. it is when we celebrate independence day. so let me show you. >> okay let's just start by saying this is actually patty's garden. outside the back of her house. so what do you have growing here? >> okay so i was telling you i don't think my neighbors know that i grow my own chilies but
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i have poblano peppers which i never in a million dreams thought that i could grow in my own garden. they're milder than if you grow them in mexico and i call them my poblano gringss. then the really tiny small chilies that i found here. don't ask me the name. they're the hot chilies from hell. >> that's the name you gave them. all right. >> i don't cook with them. then we have these, the poblanos. >> are these easy to grow? >> they're so easy to grow. look at how they grow. they just -- take over and then you have chilies for an entire season and then you can dry them. so look here you have -- >> we're picking them to cook with them a little later. kelly is picking them to arrange them in a little bit and as we do this this is a great tip. you said you don't have any problems with animals eating your chilies. >> no, it's great if you grow chilis in your garden you can have other things around and animals don't like to eat chilies. so they will just stay away
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from your herb garden. >> that is perfect. right there. okay so as we're continuing to pick i want to talk about the hugely successful television show. >> oh. holly that's because you like me. i love it. >> i do like you but how can you not like it? but it's also probably part of the reason why "patty's mexican table" is now entering the second season on tv. >> thank you so much holly. >> we have some video of the show. >> okay, what happens now is we do a lot more theme mexican. a lot more footage there. we have all sorts of different topics. we're -- we go to inlocation. >> i was reading your show is on pbs. i was reading that it was seen in 94% of american households. >> yes. >> so you know what that says? that says that you know what? american kitchens love mexican cooking and you're kind of making it you know able for us
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to do right? what's the key to make sure you have to fresh chilies and peppers? >> the key is that you have the attitude and the adventurous spirit to bring into your kitchen. >> i can't imagine that you would be preaching attitude. kelly, she's going to be working -- we're going to cook more later but i want to talk about the arranging of these things. >> sure, we tried to represent the mexican flag, the colors of the flag. white, green and red. and all of these flowers can actually -- you can find them in mexico. gardenias and lilies and we added peppers for a little extradition -- extra twist. >> they're lasting the length of like flowers right? do you need to water them? >> fresh water is the key to any arranging, fresh water. >> you were also talking about like threes? >> a cluster of three just the balance of it is very harmonious. >> we don't really notice it but if it was off it would bother us? >> you would notice it if you
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didn't notice. does that make sense? >> you would notice if you didn't notice. right. exactly. >> the chilies like kelly grabbed things from the garden and just -- put it in a pot. >> water pitchers. >> okay, so now what are we going to be cooking this morning? >> we are going to be making some eggs that are poached in a spice of tomato broth. think of -- the eggs with ranch. >> i love them. >> instead of having the fried egg and the sauce on top we're going to make the sauce first and we're going to poach the eggs in there. >> that's in the next hour, is this in your new book? >> it is in my new book. >> we have a picture of the cover of the book, the name of it is? >> "patty's mexican table." >> good luck with that. "patty's mexican table." go ahead real quickly. preorder right now? >> she's so funny. preorder it now. go ahead and take a peek, i poured my heart into it. >> okay listen do you need a co- host? is our website. we have a link to "patty's
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mexican table" so you can find out more about the book and the show but you can just stay tuned to fox 5 because we're going to be actually cooking up some more in the next hour. >> i love it thank you. >> you are two lively upbeat women. >> i love it. well, school's in and so is the doctor at least in prince george's county. >> council executive is earn -- council executive baker will be here. >> plus, the fox medical team brings us new information about those laundry detergent pods that some kids are mistaking for candy. >> of course we continue to mark the anniversary of the september 11th attacks, plus live to the pentagon and the white house for remembrances. right now it's 7:57. we'll be right back. 
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 i thought of something else we need for the baby.  what's that? it's a 200 watts per channel dynamically balanced surround sound wireless baby monitor...
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with a sub wolfer. good idea you should also probably have this fuschia leather diaper clutch. (coughing) "buy it" (in agreement) yea for little diapers. tiny smart vo: from the new to the hard-to-find: when it's on your mind, it's on ebay™.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda macdonald. ahead at 8:00, special tributes today for the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks 11 years ago today. in new york, a somber procession and the reading of the names will begin at the
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9/11 memorial in half hour. we'll take you there. also, how the president plans to commemorate this day. plus, an alert for parents. new research is out about just how dangerous these small colorful detergents pods can be to your kids' health. some are mistaking them for candy. should we have seen this coming? what the makers of the products are saying this morning. >> and a check-up in a van? help is on the way for children who need it the most in prince george's county. county executive rushern baker joins us live about new mobile health clinics being deployed to local schools. good morning, i'm tony perkins. >> i'm allison seymour. glad to have you with us on this tuesday morning. it is september 11, 2012. also joining us is tucker barnes keeping his eye on the skies. not much to see there. >> yeah, very quiet. just a gorgeous morning. should be a beautiful afternoon. temperatures will -- [ noise ] >> that's accuweather. [ laughter ] >> -- will soar into the 70s
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later this afternoon. a cool start. temperatures in spots still in the 40s. 48 in gaithersburg, reagan national 61 degrees. 64 annapolis. leonardtown 52 degrees. all of us in the mid- to upper 70s later today. low humidity and lots of sunshine. just a passing cloud or two so a nice dry tuesday for you. that's what canadian high pressure will do this time of year dominating things across the eastern half of the country so no worries about any rain showers anytime soon. sunshine gorgeous afternoon 79 your daytime high and the sunny streak continues into the middle and end of the week. we'll have details on that in just a minute. >> thank you, tucker. >> let's go to julie wright with the latest on this morning's traffic. >> reporter: a lot going on out here on the roads. so let's get to it. big delays right now out of davisonville westbound 50 inbounded towards 197 accident tying up the two left lanes slow from 424 in towards the
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capital beltway, southbound kenilworth avenue right lane taken away. southbound 270 a break before you come into germantown but overall from 85 out to the split over an hour and a half drive southbound leaving 85 buckeystown. about delay carries to the outer loop of the beltway. accident involving a car and tree causing slowdowns. southbound 270 won't shake loos until you get past the legion bridge where the two lanes are closed off. inbounded 66 through falls church westbound on the brakes. gw parkway, the issue, northbound at spout run we have roadwork in the left lane although callers and people tweeting saying we don't see roadwork. they have blocked the left lane but again no roadwork at this time. it is causing a backup from the key bridge southbound from 123 to the potomac crossing. that's a check of your "fox 5 on-time traffic.."
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11 years ago today, the united states was attacked by al qaeda terrorists. and there are all kinds of events today to commemorate this somber anniversary. this is a live look at the 9/11 memorial in new york city where relatives of victims will be speaking later this morning. but there will also be ceremonieses in pennsylvania and right here in our area. the pentagon is preparing to honor the lives lost on this day 11 years ago. president barack obama will speak there after holding a moment of silence at the white house. our own melanie alnwick is live at the pentagon with more details on today's events. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tony. president obama and the first lady are scheduled to arrive here at 9:20 to honor the friends, family and colleagues of so many people here in the d.c. who were killed that day. here's the look at the day ahe is event at the pentagon. at 9:30, president obama will lay a wreath. we'll hear the national anthem. the moment of silence comes at
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9:37. the moment that the plane hit the pentagon here. america the beautiful will also be played. american airlines flight 77 left dulles airport at 8:20 in the morning on september 11th, 2001. it was supposed to go to los angeles. somewhere over indianapolis, 5 hijackers took over the plane. they turned it back toward washington and crashed it into the pentagon at 9:37 .m. killing the crew of six and all 53 passengers as well as the hijackers. the plane hit the pentagon at the first floor level on the western side. one section of the building collapsed. 125 workers here that day were also killed. many of them civilians. the pentagon memorial was completed and open to the public in 2008. the 7th anniversary of the attacks. it's usually open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. it will be closed this morning and reopen to the public at noon. now, after the president and the first lady attend this memorial, which is supposed to wrap up around 10:00, they will
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then travel to the walter reed naval medical center in bethesda to visit with wounded warriors. many our communities in the area also having memorial ceremonies today including a prayer service at the washington national cathedral this morning. back to you. >> thank you. i do want to mention we'll be streaming all of these events on our website at defense secretary leon panetta visited the flight 93 memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania yesterday where he toured the wall of names. it pays tribute to the 40 people who died taking down the plane which was headed for d.c. you're taking a live look at shanksville. vice president joe biden will be there for the official ceremony. the two men running for president will take a break from bickering today. both president obama and mitt romney agreed to take down their negative ads today in honor of the 11th anniversary
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of the 9/11 attacks and neither will appear on any overtly political events as melanie said earlier, president obama spending ng the occasion with events planned at the white house, the pentagon and walter reed. romney will meet with members of the coast guard today during a trip to reno. the teachers strike in chicago is becoming a political issue on the campaign trail. before heading to a $3 million fundraiser in illinois, mitt romney attacked the president's long-running friendship with teachers unions and his running mate paul ryan made some remarks in iowa saying, this teachers union strike is unnecessary and wrong. we know that rahm is not going to support our campaign but on this issue and this day we stand with mayor rahm emanuel. new this morning, prince george's county police are investigating a shooting in district heights. it happened around 1:30 this
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morning along gateway boulevard near the ame church. we are waiting on more details about the victims. there is no word on a suspect or motive at this time. a 17-year-old boy shot on the first day of school in baltimore county woke up at home this morning after spending two weeks in the hospital. police say daniel was randomly hit when another student opened fire in the cafeteria. he has down syndrome and said he was excited to play with his dog, make tacos and watch the ravens game last night. he also says he would like to go back to school, although his parents say they haven't looked that far ahead. 8:08. still ahead during the 8:00 hour, dramatic new video from the wisconsin temple shooting. we are going to show you what happened when the first officer arrived at the scene. >> but first, prince george's county executive rushern baker will join us live to explain how the maryland suburb is changing the way it takes care of your child's health at
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school. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. 4g lte has the fastest speeds.
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so let's talk about coverage. based on this chart, who would you choose ? wow. you guys take a minute. verizon, hands down. i'm going to show you guys another chart. pretty obvious. i don't think color matters. pretty obvious. what's pretty obvious about it ? that verizon has the coverage. verizon. verizon. we're going to go to another chart. it doesn't really matter how you present it. it doesn't matter how you present it. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined.
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making headlines in the day ahead, five men convicted for the deadly mass shooting on south capitol street in 2010 will learn their punishment. the five men could face life in prison when sentenced today. five people died in the mass shooting that began over a fight about a costume bracelet. in addition to numerous events for 9/11, the uso will use the anniversary as a day of service on capitol hill. members of congress will join them to put together c.a.r.e. packages for servicemembers in afghanistan. the project is until 1:00 this afternoon at the rayburn house office building. finally parts of newfoundland's coast are bracing for leslie to make landfall. the tropical storm will likely hit in the next few hours and could dump heavy rain for as long as 12 hours. the canadian hurricane center says that could lead to
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flooding and power outages. the storm is growing stronger as it nears the coast but will probably not reach hurricane strength. still, even as a tropical storm, that's -- >> doesn't sound like it has to. >> right. tucker barnes is here now. in addition to telling us about our weather forecast, he has something special for us. >> i do. let's get to it. good morning, time now for our "my first 5" photo of the day. >> beautiful! ♪ [ music ] >> this is a pick of her watching her favorite quarterback, rg iii sunday. [ laughter ] >> norah looks ready to take the field for the redskins just in case anything happens to our rookie quarterback. >> no, no, no. she's just too cute. let her watch. >> she's so happy i guess they didn't give her the news about chris cooley. you notice the number on her
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jersey? >> she can still love him. >> of course. >> very good. [ laughter ] >> he might be back, right? latest we heard. >> a possibility. >> norah beth, we love the picture, love your smile and we love to get to see you celebrate the redskins victory that was a lot of fun. send us your child's picture at focus and click on "mornings." off to a comfortable start. cool in some spots overnight. honestly, maybe a light jacket for parts of the area here. 61 now in washington. particularly north and west temperatures still in the upper 40s and low 50s. 55 this morning new york city. 55 in boston. and 40s north and west. binghamton 44 degrees right now. looking at the satellite-radar, high pressure will continue to dominate the forecast across the mid-atlantic for the next several days and in fact, high temperatures today will be right back in the mid- to upper 70s. a few degrees below normal. we'll continue the trend for your tuesday but lots of
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sunshine and again a very comfortable afternoon as our temperatures will once again be in the upper 70s, low 80s here for the next couple days. here's your seven-day forecast. 79 today, 80s wednesday and thursday, then cooler on the weekend. but for outdoor activities, things look fantastic with plots lots both friday and saturday. maybe a shower by sunday. that's weather. let's do some traffic with julie wright. another big football fan. julie. what's up? >> reporter: just for a different team, tucker. >> i don't want to hear about it! [ laughter ] >> traitor! >> reporter: it's all good in week one. we'll see what happens. 15 more weeks to go. on the road right now, unfortunately, it seems like it's going to take 15 weeks to get into work. tie-ups down to 17 minutes out of bowie headed for the capital beltway.
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southbound kenilworth avenue cleared traffic heavy off the parkway south towards pennsylvania avenue. a mess southbound 270 approaching and passing 80 towards 109. overall buckeystown to the split over an hour and a half. unfortunately this commute doesn't let up. delays continue towards the american legion bridge where we had the earlier accident which has cleared. all lanes are open before you reach carter rock. you will find delays there coming off the beltway from old georgetown road off 270 out of germantown to that scene. gw parkway the work still in place before spout run but no physical work seen being done. the work zone is set up block the left lane. traveling northbound 395 for the national day of service, pentagon 110 shut down and the memorial shut down today. traffic impacted, slow into the sunshine headed for the 14th street bridge and again because the parking slot closed, big delays from the beltway heading north. that is a that's a check of
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your "fox 5 on-time traffic." coming up next, the changing way we watch television. later celebrating independence day with our neighbors south of the border. holly is live in chevy chase this morning with the ways mexican-americans remember the revolution. time now 8:17. anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
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looks like it's going to start a so little
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um, but i uh... (interupting) oh okay - okay yup that's fine. excuse me - sorry. yes! vo: from the new, to the hard to find: when it's on your mind, it's on ebay™.
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♪oh, that smell can't you smell that smell ♪ >> 59 degrees. [ laughter ] >> maybe that was just in- house. [ laughter ] >> we saw a big [ indiscernible ] >> over the screen. what is that smell? officials in southern california are trying to figure out what's causing a rotten egg odor. >> we have a similar smell here, remember, not too long ago. they say residents living across a 10,000 square mile radius started complaining about the smell sunday night. some officials think the foul smell may be coming from the salton sea. am i saying that right, tucker? about 150 miles from l.a. authorities say the recent storms may have churned the water and unleashed the bacteria from the sea floor. ugh. >> doesn't sound good. >> no. others say it would be highly unusual for a strong smell to travel quite so far. >> hm. some sad news to report this morning. a wrestling commentator is
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reportedly in stable condition after suffering a heart attack during a live broadcast. jerry lawler collapsed at a world wrestling entertainment match in montreal last night. you can see all the commotion near the press table. lawler is 62 years old and has had a long career as a wrestler and broadcaster. his broadcast partner told the television audience that the situation is, quote, serious but that lawler did start breathing on his own. we don't know what his condition is this morning. it seems television as we know it is changing but people aren't quite ready to get rid of their sets yet. yay! according to nielsen, an estimated 5 million homes no longer subscribe to cable, satellite, telephone lines or broadcast signals but three- quarters of those homes still have their traditional televisions. instead, they are watching contents through services like netflix, apple tv or dvds. they also dvr their favorite shows. >> times they are achangin'.
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>> yes. they are. keep your tvs! where would we go? >> at least for another 10 years? >> right. [ laughter ] still ahead in our next half hour, confusing detergent with candy? >> we have told but those colorful new laundry pods is what they're called. we told you about those before but now we're learning new details about how dangerous they can be for our kids. >> plus, a wisconsin temple shooting caught on tape. we're going to show you the dashcam video from the first officer to respond and how he may have helped stop the bloodshed. time now, 8:22. you're watching "fox 5 morning news."
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welcome back. it's 8:25. mobile medical vans will make stops at prince george's county schools starting tomorrow. it's part of an evident to ensure that all schoolchildren have access to doctors and dentists. joining us now with more on the program and other county news is prince george's county executive rushern baker. thanks for coming in.
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good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> this sounds like a great idea. you're sending these vans around to different schools. tell me how many vans you have, what kind of services are going to be provided. >> there will be eight vans that will go around to 175 schools. and they will provide dental care and nine of the schools will get medical care. it's part of our effort to provide access to quality healthcare throughout prince george's county. we have to, you know, thank certainly children's medical center which is providing one of the vans, the governor's wellness mobile, the mary center, the driver project which senator ben carden and others spearheaded and that's the young child in prince george's county who died for lack of dental care. and so in is really the aware -- this is really the awareness of getting healthcare throughout prince george's county into our schools and communities that need it the most. >> so if i'm a parent and i want to make sure that my child is seen by one of these vans what i do need to do? >> you can actually contact the
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school but you can contact our health department, our director of health and health department, and they will tell you where the vans will be going. most of the locations will be inside the beltway, but our evident to get out there -- certainly we can tell you where you can get services if not one of these mobile health vans. >> that program starts tomorrow, we want to mention. want to talk to you about a couple of other things that are going on. you all are about to begin demolishing, i think thursday -- >> that's right. >> -- several combination -- a bunch of buildings really -- that have been considered eyesores and maybe even a bit of a danger to the community. tell me about these buildings, where they are and what's going to be happening there. >> it's the nova avenue section in prince george's county over near district heights and capital heights that we'll be demolishing. one of the promises i made as candidate for county executive is that we were going to tear that building down.
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it's an eyesore and danger. certainly homeless people have been living there, drug addicts, and so we've cleaned out that and we boarded it up and we fenced it around. but i said it needs to be demolished. we have children who walk to school around that area. certainly as a parent i wouldn't want my young child walking around with these vacant buildings. and so, you know, one of the things that i said to our staff, either we figure out a way to take care of it or my wife and i will go out there and do it. [ laughter ] >> it's been a complicated process because there have been a variety of liens and all. >> it certainly has been. but the main thing i think for the community is they don't want to hear all that. they just want to make sure it's down and their neighborhoods are say. i wouldn't want it in my neighborhood and they don't want it in theirs and we're going to take care of it. once it goes down, then what happens? >> then we'll start the process of building something that fits within that community. we'll talk to the developers and the owners of the land and say, listen, what do you want to bring, put in there, that fits within the neighborhood to
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make it a quality place to live? that's the idea. >> want to talk about something else that's going on in maryland but in your county. we had bob mccartney on from the "washington post" yesterday, as a matter of fact, talking about the lack of job production, job development, and jobs coming to maryland but in particular, prince george's county. now, you know, we have word recently that the treasury department is pulling out about 450 jobs from the county. why is the county having such a hard time attracting more businesses? >> i think the focus for several years is not on attracting commercial businesses to the county. it's been a residential housing. and we have found out that we rely too much on residential property taxes. 71% of our income comes from residential property taxes. with this administration, we have tried to expand the commercial tax base. that's why we have the 50 million edi fund that we put
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out there to insentivize businesses. we have trying to get businesses to come to prince george's county. prince george's county has 15 underdeveloped metro sites. we want to you come here. we're starting to see some of that happen, new carrollton metro to be developed. one of the reasons we went after gaming at national harbor was to attract not just a slots facility there or the gambling fa circuits but also to attract economic development throughout. so we're going to be aggressively pursuing it so that we can see the growth in prinorgece ge county and in maryland. >> all right. very good. rushern baker, we're out of time but thank you for coming by. we'll check in and see what else is going on in the county soon. >> thank you. thanks, tony and mr. baker. police have released dashcam video showing the courageous actions of the officers who helped stop the gunmen who shot
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and killed six people at a religious temple in oak creek, wisconsin, last month. one shows brian murphy approaching the scene. police now say he was shot 15 times by wade michael page. page dressed in a white shirt is seen rushing towards murphy. but another officer sam linda was able to distract the gunman, they exchanged gunfire and then page took his own life. lieutenant murphy survived and is now recovering at home. well, it has been 2.5 weeks since 17-year-old amber stanley was killed in her own home and police are still searching for a suspect and motive. last night hundreds of residents packed the kettering community center for an update. police hope someone from the public will come forward with information. there is a $25,000 reward for any details leading to an arrest. finally, hollywood actress angelina jolie is in jordan
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hearing horrific accounts from syrian refugees. tears weld up in her eyes as they told her heartbreaking stories about how they fled civil war in syria. jolie is a special envoy for the united nations refugee agency and says that she is very concerned about the horrors inside syria adding that the children's stories were especially moving. all right. it's 8:32. tucker barnes has more on our forecast. >> nice looking start to your day. temperatures overnight actually cool back in the 40s and low 50s. ♪ [ music ] >> and let's do the accuweather forecast. all right. temperatures right now reagan national 61 degrees. that's one of the warmer spots. much of the area hanging back in the 50s even a few 40s still out there to the north and west. you might want a height jacket to start your day but it will be a beautiful afternoon. our daytime temperatures will top out in the upper 70s. so it should be a nice pleasant
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afternoon with a lot of sunshine expected. quiet weather pattern, very quiet, high pressure keeping things nice and dry around here and that sunshine will be the rule here for the middle and end of the week as it's just going to be a slow mover. tropical storm leslie now pushing into parts of canada bringing some gusty winds, 70- mile-per-hour winds. around here it's just high pressure and that means cool nights and lots of sunshine during the day. this area of high pressure will slip off the coast tonight and tomorrow so winds will shift out of the south maybe a pinch more humidity and slightly warmer temperatures as we get into the middle of the week. there is your five-day forecast. 7 9 this afternoon, mid-50s across parts of the area overnight. wednesday and thursday 80s. next chance for rain sunday night monday morning with a cold front. got to time that out a bit. i think much of the weekend will be dry. that's a look at your accuweather forecast. back to you.
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>> thank you. well, they are small, they're colorful, and new research finds that they are also dangerous. we are talking about those single serve detergent packs, convenient for grownups but doctors say they are hazardous to your child's health. for more we bring in dr. joe live in tampa this morning to explain. good morning. how are you? >> good morning. i'm doing fine. yeah. well, now, we heard about this in may just like you said but what's happened now is that they are tracking more accidental ingestions in children. since january 2012 until now there's been about 2900 calls from parents of kids who accidentally swallowed them. >> now with this new research, can you tell us what happens when kids pick up those packets and down them like candy? >> reporter: this is some warm water and if you look at this they dissolve rapidly. and so what happens is when they put this in their mouths,
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it explodes this their mouths. they are getting a concentrated amount of this particular detergent. it dissolves very rapidly so what he this said is it's causing swelling in the airways it's causing erosion or ulcerations in the esophagus so there was a report out of scotland because they are out there, too, in europe and they said that one of the children was so bad they couldn't put a tube down, they had to cut the neck to put the tube in. the other poor kids were actually intubated. all are doing well, no one died so far. but if you don't get that child to the emergency room quickly enough, then there could be brain damage or death. >> dr. jo, you talked with the organization that represents the different companies because there are several that make this product. >> reporter: that's right. >> what did they say to you? >> reporter: you know, they gave us a written statement. i'm going to read some of that to you. they say detergent manufacturers are reemphasizing the importance of keeping these
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single unit dose laundry detergent packets out of the reach of children in the wake of recent reports about children accidentally ingesting the products. they are obviously very concerned whenever these situations occur. and they are also going on to say, the safe and proper use of all detergents and cleaning products is a critical priority for manufacturers, safe storage is key to the prevention of injuries when using laundry products in the home. we also have some information from new york, senator charles schumer is asking the cpsc, take a look at these things. some of the packaging looks kind of a candy jar that you might see in a convenience store. he is asking for safer tops maybe along the lines what we see for prescription drugs, also asking for more labeling or different labeling on the packaging to warn parents, as well. >> dr. jo, important advice, thank you so much. >> reporter: thank you. >> tony, over to you. >> thank you much. coming up next in sports, the nats get back to their
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winning ways and joe flacco leads the ravens to the first monday night football win of the season. it's 8:37. >> we'll be right back. you're going to have jet lag for months. now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich, with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese, stacked high on texas toast. grab yours at dunkin' donuts. it's a breakfast favorite. start your big day with a big n' toasted breakfast sandwich from dunkin'.
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i need your help... i just serveved my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. well...everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe well...i'm not at liberty to give that out, but we do use tender chunks of white meat chicken in an herb & spice broth. come on that's it? i need the recipe. you gotta help me out! [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? like a ninja! [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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flacco -- >> look at that. monday night football turned out it be a blowout in
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baltimore. joe flacco threw for 299 yards and 2 touchdowns. cincinnati had no answer to the new no huddle offense by the ravens. ed reed added a touchdown of his own with a 34-yard interception return. the ravens went on to win 44- 13. >> yay, that's great! and the redskins arization the injuries that happened during the win against the saints. wide receiver pierre garcon will test his sore foot tomorrow. he says he expects to play in sunday's game against the rams. long snapper nick sundberg won't play and jordan bernstein is lost for the year with a serious knee injury. >> hate to see that. >> yeah. the nats look to get back on the winning track after losing two of the three games to the marlins. >> they went to a series against the mets. 3rd inning zimmerman a two-run homer to go up by three. it's going, it's going, it's
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gone! someone jumped out of the stands to the ball. >> he gio gonzalez 19th victory. nats win 5-1 and lead the braves by 6.5 games in the n.l. east. in tennis, the wait is over for andy murray and all of england. he won his first grand slam title by beating novak djokovic in the u.s. open men's final in new york. the match went 5 sets, it lasted almost five hours! murray is the first british man to win a grand slam singles championship in 76 years. good for him. 8:41. 61 degrees on this tuesday morning. coming up, the nation pauses once again 11 years later. up next, we're going to take you live to ground zero and the white house where the victims are being honored right now. 
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anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
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[ rain pattering ] [ heels clicking ] [ female announcer ] yoplait light tastes great now... ♪ ...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light, now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good!
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in the people, businesses, and organizations that call greater washington home. whether it's funding an organization that provides new citizens with job training, working with an anacostia school that promotes academic excellence, or supporting an organization that serves 5,000 meals a day across d.c., what's important to the people of greater washington is important to us, and we're proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger. welcome back now. these are live pictures from ground zero in new york city, where they are about to begin
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memorial services there for the victims of the september 11th attacks. ♪ [ music ] >> 11 years ago today. ♪ o say can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ what so proudly we hail ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming ♪ and the rockets' red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there
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♪ o say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪ oer the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪
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♪[ music ] [ taps ]
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an emotional day as we look back and remember this day 11 years ago, the september 11th attacks. there on the right side of your screen, of course, the president and the first lady coming out to join the nation as we pause for a moment. the time 8:46 that exact time when the american airlines flight from boston to los angeles struck. and there you see on the left side ground zero.
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of course, everyone stopping to remember this really horrific day, this somber anniversary, this occasion that we join together to remember those lost. >> everything changed at that moment 11 years ago. we'll have more of the remembrances and ceremonies in a couple of moments as they begin the readings of the names in new york city. it's 8:49. we'll be back with more.
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♪[ music ] ♪ i just came to say hello time for the facebook fan of the day. today we say hello to danielle johnson. danielle says she has spent the last two decades waking up to fox 5. and she says she loves how the team works so well together. we love it, too. we love that you watch every
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day. i assume that's her daughter there or some relation. also, adorable. for your chance to be tomorrow's fan of the day, just log on to our facebook page and leave a comment under danyelle's picture. this morning, we're learning about the legacy of mexico's independence and the call all around the world to commemorate the anniversary. with more details and a taste of this international event, we join fox 5's holly morris live from chevy chase. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i should say [ non-english language ] it's [ non-english language ] , that's what we're learning about the cry for mexican independence. we are actually getting a little history lesson a whole lot of a cooking lesson a little bit flower arranging. we have a virtual fiesta going on here. we are in the kitchen with patty of patty's mexican table. and so let's start by -- the [ non-english language ] , were you just telling me the cry for mexican independence. >> it comes from the calling that a priest called miguel did in 1810 and he called all the
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country from his balcony and said let's shake off the leash from the spanish who had been in mexico for 300 years. mexican independence happened and since 1810 every year september 15 at 11:00 at night no matter what level of government from the town to the state to mexico city throughout the nation, there is that same calling, at 11 at night and the party starts. >> there you go. so we are having our own little party this morning. it's basically the 4th of july for mexico. >> exactly. >> reporter: going to happen this saturday. what are you working on kelly? >> an arrangement from chili's from patty's garden. >> reporter: patsy is going to cook up some special breakfast. >> let me tell you something, holly. on this holiday it's common for people to use the color of the flag red, white and green in everything. the clothing, i'm not doing it justice today -- you see -- >> i have the red.
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>> you can count on kelly. >> the white, the green, the red, and then it goes to the decorations in the cities and towns in the house and in the dishes. so today i wanted to make for you a popular dish. these eggs and it's the morning that are called [ non-english language ] and that have the white from the onion which we have cooked here for about 6 to 7 minutes, basic white onion with a little oil and then i added poblano chili. >> reporter: you like poblano? >> they're fragrant, mild and fruity and then you char them like you would red bell pepper or a marshmallow under the broiler, the skin comes off and then you get these -- don't think about poblano chilis as a spicy ingredient. think of them as a vegetable with a lot of personality. >> reporter: everything patty
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does has a lot of personality! [ laughter ] >> so then we have the onions, the chili, and then i'm just going to add pureed tomatoes. you can also add crushed tomatoes from a can. i'm adding the tomato. stir this up. we are going to add some marjoram. we're going to add a couple of bay leaves and sea salt or kosher salt. i like grainier salt. and then you stir that and then the trick with many of these sauces, holly, is to have them go from this color to this color. >> wow. >> so here we already have the eggs. but after you cook the sauce for about 15 minutes, the flavor will change and it will be more cooked and thick and after a little while when it becomes pacesty like this, you
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just make little nests in the sauce, crack an egg, and let it poach in there. >> reporter: awesome. i want to be sure we get this in, the second season of patty's mexican table tv show on pbs is starting. now, it has been wildly successful the first season and so is having your own show thought what it was going to be? >> i am having so much fun. so much fun. it is not what i thought it was going to be. it's a lot better because we have -- it started last week in d.c. and it's going national. and depending on where the people are, what time and day the public station will show it. so you have the eggs with the sauce and then i made some beans. >> reporter: as she scoops this up i also want to brag on patty real quickly, look at that, voila, kelly has that done to
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finish up our fiesta. she has a book coming out, patty's mexican table. you can preorder on amazon. she has classes in october. is our website. we have a link to all of that. we have to go patty. we have to go, kelly. thank you to both of you. i am going to have this wonderful fabulous marvelous breakfast and meanwhile i'm going to say that "fox 5 morning news" continues right now. don't go anywhere. thur real, real >> your realtime captioner: linda macdonald. >> caption colorado, llc we begin by paying tribute to those who died on september 11th, 2001. i'm tony perkins. >> i'm allison seymour. right now at 9:00 a live look from the pentagon where the president and the first lady will attend a ceremony later this hour. we'll bring you live coverage of the event plus we'll hear
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from president obama. >> we want to go live to new york where family members are reading the names of the victims of 9/11. moments of silence will be held throughout the next two hours to observe when the north and south towers were hit and when they collapsed. >> and there is also a ceremony taking place in somerset county, pennsylvania, to honor those who died when united flight 93 crashed. vice president joe biden will speak at the memorial and there will be a moment of silence there, as well. we want to bring you up to date on what's happening here closer to home and we want to talk about our weather for today which looks glorious. >> for that we go downstairs. tucker barnes has the latest. >> reporter: cool overnight, temperatures in the 40s across parts of the area and 50s in downtown washington. but should be a gorgeous afternoon. upper 70s, lots of sunshine low humidity so we'll keep the streak going


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